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Building Trust can Alleviate many Marriage Problems 

Trust, can a solid relationship be built without it? Its doubtful lack of trust opens the door to a myriad of common marriage problems.

How can a marriage survive in the long term if you have no trust? My belief is that trust is fundamental to a marriage.

So what is trust? And why does lack of trust cause marriage problems?

Trust is knowing that (among other things):

·         your spouse won’t cheat on you.

·         you won’t be told any lies.

·         your partner has no secrets.

·         if your spouse says they will do something they will do it.

·         you can have joint bank accounts with no worries

·         your partner wouldn’t deliberately do anything to jeopardise your home, your children or your relationship. 

A lot of marriage problems stem from lack of trust which is understandable, does anyone want to be in a marriage when they know that they can’t trust a thing their partner says or does? I would say not.

Like most marriage problems with a little effort it is possible to rebuild the trust in a marriage, how long it takes will depend on what happened to destroy the trust in the first place and how willing both partners are to try and fix the problem.

If you want to restore the trust in your marriage you need to first agree on the underlying cause of the problem then the untrustworthy spouse needs to prove that they can be trusted. Swearing that they’ll never do it again just isn’t enough.

For more on rebuilding trust after infidelity follow the link …… surviving infidelity



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 Why you Should say No to Divorce

Just while you read this Report

Find out why divorce isn't always the best option for an unhappy marriage. This report is a must read if you are seriously considering divorce.


 How To:

 Save a Marriage
 Catch a Cheating Spouse
 Break free from an Affair
 Survive Infidelity
 Bring back Lost Love
 Reduce Stress
 Get out of Debt






 Common Marriage Problems:

 Surviving Infidelity
 Financial Problems
 Loss of Intimacy
 Step Children







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